Friday, December 10, 2004

"Do you realize that everyone you know someday will die?"

- Wayne Coyne, the Flaming Lips

Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by the Flaming Lips (2002)
This is an outstanding Album (capital A). I'm not going to write a review, that's what Rolling Stone and the Onion A.V. Club are for. Questionable Content had some things to say about the Flaming Lips. Anyway, YBtPR has an Alan Parsons Project feel (only better) and has a super-high proportion of recommendable songs. Fight Test, One More Robot, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots pt. 1, Are You A Hypnotist, It's Summertime, Do You Realize?, and Approaching Pavonis Mons By Balloon are all winners, and there isn't an objectionable song on the album.

I recently invented Yoshimi ++ by adding the song Why Do I Lie? by Luscious Jackson to YBtPR. I think the best place to insert it is as track 3 after One More Robot and before Yoshimi Pt. 1. In a perfect world we could make Why Do I Lie? 20% more psychodelic to fit in even better. Anyway, try it some time!

Suddenly Everything Has Changed is a Flaming Lips song but not on YBtPR. It has a Strawberry Fields feel and also one of the best melodic bass lines I've heard (played once at the beginning and end of the song). The Postal Service cover is okay in its own right but dispenses with the bass melody.


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